
Showing posts from March, 2019

Entry 4: Wasted (Vlog) Disclaimer:           Sorry for not following the correct format, but Vimeo wanted me to pay like $25 dollars for extra upload storage, as my video was too large. Same with Blogger, the maximum is 100MB, and my video is around 600MB. As I am on the topic of numbers, Vimeo's limit was around 500MB.

Entry 3: The Omen of Death

Legend of the Banshee           There is an old legend in Ireland, of a creature called a Banshee. A Banshee is said to be a fairy that is a disembodied spirit, which can appear in any of the following forms: - A beautiful woman wearing a shroud - A pale woman in a white dress with long red hair - A woman with a long silver dress and silver hair - A headless woman carrying a bowl of blood that is naked from the waist up - An old woman with frightening red eyes, a green dress and long white hair - An old woman with a veil covering her face, dressed all in black with long grey hair           You may have heard of a Banshee, but all the stories that were told consist of some sort of scream, right? The 'caoine', which means 'keening', is an Irish warning that there will be a death in the family soon. Because of Irish families coming together through marriage, it is said that every family has its own Banshee. Do I Look L...

Entry 2: Purpose? Who Needs a Purpose?

Note To Readers           Now, I know when Mr. Perlman reads this he will become very angry, but here it goes anyway. Not all things have a greater meaning, an idea which I feel Language Arts teachers either do not understand, or just do not care.                                       Wait, Teachers Are Good At Their Jobs           Dang it, Mr. Perlman wins again. Of course everything has a deeper meaning, even card throwing, otherwise I would not be able to choose this as a topic. Card throwing may not reach the bottom of the ocean as books like Les Miserables might, but it does have some significance. Get To The Point           As I was saying, card throwing has a deeper meaning, or at least the way I am preforming it. Everything in the world has some sort of significance, the most common ones are skill...